However current applications are becoming more and more developed moving towards complex medical applications. Examples of these applications include analyzing genome groups or genetic content in an attempt to prevent diseases diagnose depression based on speech patterns and identify people with suicidal tendenciesRead also Jobs will disappear due to artificial intelligence Because of the high cost of artificial intelligence technology you will find it strongly used by giant companies that have a lot of money.
Just as there are jobs that disappear there are also new jobs that appear.For example when you use the storage space provided by a cloud storage service such as GHK Phone Numberbox the files appear to you as if they are stored on a single hard disk or on a single computer. But in reality this is not necessarily the case because the cloud service provider may divide your files between several.
Computers that share resources among them but it shows them to you in a form similar to how your files appear on your personal device for ease of management and control. Note Most cloud storage companies use hard drives to store their customers files due to several factors The most important of which is that hard drives are less expensive than hard disks or Solid Stated Drives SSD. But the latter is faster so it is widely used in storing website files and website hosting services which are also considered cloud services.