management is that we tend to spend the most productive two hours of our day doing things that don't require high cognitive ability. Most of us would be much more successful if we could save those precious hours. According to danariely, the most productive time slot for all of us is 2 hours. productivityClick to Tweet Set a time limit – If you've ever heard of Parkinson's Law, you know that work tends to "expand to fill the time available for completion." correlations of this scientific theory essentially flip it on its head and say that jobs contract to fit given time.
Or, to think of it from another angle, the meeting grows or shrinks to fit the scheduled time. If you book a one-hour meeting, your content marketing team may Special Database fill that time. If you limit it to 30 minutes, you're more likely to cover the same information excluding chit chat in half the time. Another benefit is that meeting participants can get more out of a shorter meeting. Social scientists have proven that the human brain is wired to pay attention and absorb information. Simply put, people mentally check out of even well-planned meetings if the meetings are too long. conclusion If you're looking for ways to increase the productivity of your content marketing team, think carefully about the meetings you hold.

Taking a strategic approach to team meetings can produce some surprising results when it comes to creativity and performance. what about you We'd love to hear your tips for making your content marketing meetings count. Please share in the comments. Want to make better use of your time For a daily email digest version, subscribe to the CMI Weekly Newsletter.home page article marketing How to explain content marketing to everyone How to explain content marketing to everyone Published: 2020-12-22 how-explain-content-marketing-anyoneAccording to Google Trends, the concept of content marketing has been around for hundreds of years see this example from 1672, and the field has gained incredible popularity since 2007. Google-Trends-Content-Marketing But when we recently launched a new e-book that answers common content marketing questions, we realized that many of our readers are just getting started. So we want to make sure we're continually covering the basics. Whether you're new to the practice, need a new way to see what