We probably don't have to explain too much, but pictures speak more than a thousand words. So, instead of boring your audience with 4,000 words (hint: content length is not the most important factor), inspire them with an image.
We can also recommend Iconfinder and envato elements , but we specify that downloading and using the media elements on these pages can only be done for a fee.
Also, make sure that your images beautify and improve the appearance of the entire content. We recommend that you always use full images, when possible, to fill the entire content area, this makes the entire content easier to scan and at the same time follow. Don't forget to optimize the images for better performance.
Your content is the most important part of your website. Direct users' australia mobile phone number attention to the content, don't distract them with 20 Call To Action widgets or buttons/banners. Make the visibility of the content the most important part of your page. If there are too many elements to distract the visitor, you can say goodbye to a low bounce rate result.

One way to reduce your bounce rate is to treat your content royally.
After you've grabbed attention, make sure all of your content is valuable to the reader. otherwise, they will leave the page and have no reason to return. You need articles that attract you, to read them and have the same value with the passage of time. To attract organic traffic ten years from now at the same rate or maybe even at a higher rate than now. So, the next time a visitor arrives at your site, he will have to be so delighted that he will definitely come back.