What tasks must I complete during the probationary period?r? Can you find out how staff performance is assessed and how often the assessment is carried out? By what criteria will you evaluate my work? Questions for your interlocutor When you strive to learn more about the interviewer, it improves communication. How long have you been working for the company? What positions have you held here? Where did you work before? What attracted you to this company? What do you find interesting about your work? Only until .
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How did this company appear and how did it develop? What kind of company do you envision in the near future? Are you planning to expand production? What goals does the company need to achieve? Which of your goals are closest to you? Team The colleagues you encounter on a daily basis can have a big impact on your work. It is worth finding out whether the team meets your expectations. Team Team Can I find out more about my future team?